Tosba Warash
Aroma: Agave sweetness, marzipan, tropical fruit
Palate: Grilled fruits like charred pineapple, stewed apples, cider, apple sauce with cinnamon
Tosba Warash is made with wild maguey Warash, which is endemic to Sierra Norte, Oaxaca. Though the agave is known to grow in this region, this release from Tosba is the first mezcal made from Warash to become commercially available. As of September 2018, this agave had not been classified by the Consejo Regulador del Mezcal (CRM) and biologists from the CRM have reportedly noted that this agave is not within the CRM catalog, which is why A. sp (Warash) is printed on the label of this mezcal.
Speculated to be an A. Rhodacantha, but currently unclaassified by the Consejo. In Zapotec Warash means "maguey paisano," from here/ from this region. The only mezcal you'll find made from this agave is Tosba!
Mezcal Tosba is a microbusiness founded by two cousins from San Cristóbal Lachirioag, Oaxaca, México. In the year 2000, as migrants living in Silicon Valley, California we were inspired and influenced by the entrepreneurial spirit that surrounded us. Concerned by the increasing migration from our home region of Cajonos-Villa Alta in the Sierra Norte mountains, we decided to form a business that would rescue the disappearing mezcal production and bring economic opportunity to the area.
Mezcalero: Edgar Gonzalez
Maguey: Warash
Agave: Sp
Grind: Tahona
Distillation: Copper
Style: Joven
State: Oaxaca
Town: San Cristobal Lachirioag
ABV: 50.09%
Age of plant: 10-12 years
Lot 33, 60 bottles
Palate: Grilled fruits like charred pineapple, stewed apples, cider, apple sauce with cinnamon
Tosba Warash is made with wild maguey Warash, which is endemic to Sierra Norte, Oaxaca. Though the agave is known to grow in this region, this release from Tosba is the first mezcal made from Warash to become commercially available. As of September 2018, this agave had not been classified by the Consejo Regulador del Mezcal (CRM) and biologists from the CRM have reportedly noted that this agave is not within the CRM catalog, which is why A. sp (Warash) is printed on the label of this mezcal.
Speculated to be an A. Rhodacantha, but currently unclaassified by the Consejo. In Zapotec Warash means "maguey paisano," from here/ from this region. The only mezcal you'll find made from this agave is Tosba!
Mezcal Tosba is a microbusiness founded by two cousins from San Cristóbal Lachirioag, Oaxaca, México. In the year 2000, as migrants living in Silicon Valley, California we were inspired and influenced by the entrepreneurial spirit that surrounded us. Concerned by the increasing migration from our home region of Cajonos-Villa Alta in the Sierra Norte mountains, we decided to form a business that would rescue the disappearing mezcal production and bring economic opportunity to the area.
Mezcalero: Edgar Gonzalez
Maguey: Warash
Agave: Sp
Grind: Tahona
Distillation: Copper
Style: Joven
State: Oaxaca
Town: San Cristobal Lachirioag
ABV: 50.09%
Age of plant: 10-12 years
Lot 33, 60 bottles
Tosba Warash
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